Paradise Park: Our Accessibility Audit

Hello Access Cornwall friends. We recently visited Paradise Park, near Hayle to carry out an accessibility audit. Find out more about this beautiful wildlife sanctuary and how accessible it is for visitors.


by Becky Abrey


Our team of Accessibility Ambassadors, including myself (Becky), Helen, and our Volunteer Manager, Matt, have a wonderful job visiting some of the fantastic attractions and activity providers around Cornwall. Recently we had the pleasure of conducting an accessibility audit at Paradise Park, a bird sanctuary near Hayle. Accompanying us were six of our amazing volunteers who generously offered their time and expertise to ensure this audit was as thorough and insightful as possible.


Exploring Paradise Park

We spent a lovely day wandering around the beautiful grounds of Paradise Park, taking in the sights of the stunning birds and animals. It was not just an enjoyable experience but also an invaluable opportunity to gather information for our audit. Our aim was to assess the park’s accessibility and provide detailed feedback that will help make Paradise Park a more inclusive environment for everyone.


Sam and Holly, two of the Access Cornwall volunteers exploring Paradise Park. Sam is standing behind Holly who is in her wheelchair looking at the red panda enclosure
The Access Cornwall team exploring Paradise Park


The Accessibility Audit

This project was made possible through funding from the Cornwall Levelliing Up Programme, and our team was committed to delivering an in-depth and comprehensive audit. Throughout the day, we examined various aspects of accessibility — from pathways and signage to facilities and visitor information. The insights we gathered will form the basis of a report designed to help Paradise Park enhance its accessibility for all visitors, including those with disabilities.


Collaboration with the Paradise Park Team

The staff at Paradise Park were incredibly welcoming, making our visit not only productive but also enjoyable. At the end of the day, we had the opportunity to sit down with Nick and Jo from the park’s team to discuss our findings and answer any questions they had. Their openness and enthusiasm were truly inspiring—they are keen to implement our recommendations and are excited about making Paradise Park as accessible as possible.


Roger, one of the team at Paradise park with an American eagle


Moving Forward

This audit is a significant step towards ensuring that Paradise Park can be enjoyed by everyone, regardless of their accessibility needs. We are grateful to CLUP for their support and to our fantastic volunteers who made this day possible. We look forward to seeing the positive changes that will come from our collaboration with Paradise Park.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to work together to create more inclusive spaces!


A penguin at Paradise Park, near Hayle in Cornwall



This project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. Cornwall Council has been chosen by Government as a Lead Authority for the fund and is responsible for monitoring the progress of projects funded through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.