500 Miles Around Cornwall in a Wheelchair…Steven Webb and His Epic Journey

This September, Steven Webb, former mayor of Truro is undertaking a remarkable journey. Steven, who was paralysed in a swimming accident when he was just 18 years old, is travelling 500 miles around the Cornish coast in his wheelchair. As well as raising awareness about accessibility, Steven is also raising funds for the Cornwall Air Ambulance.

Just before he set off, we were able to catch up with Steven to hear his story and to learn why this journey is so important.


From a young age, Steven was diagnosed with dyslexia, a learning disability that made learning a struggle. Despite this hurdle, Steven persevered and graduated from university with a degree in psychology.

However, just as he was beginning to find his footing in the world, tragedy struck. A devastating diving accident left Steven tetraplegic, forever altering the course of his life. Many would have been consumed by bitterness and anger, resigned to a life of hardship and limitation. But Steven chose to see this setback as an opportunity for growth and transformation.


“I have always just been someone who thinks, let’s just get on with it, and having that mindset has helped me.” explains Steven.

“But there were darker times,” “At one point after a relationship broke up I was perhaps at my lowest. I just hadn’t been expecting the break up and that was the dark soul of the night for me. I was drinking a lot, mainly to help me sleep. I had carers – and although to be honest I found that loss of independence and privacy to be one of the more challenging parts of how life changed after the accident, it ended up being what saved me. I had to ask them to pour out the drinks. They always did what I asked and never judged, but as you’re asking someone to pour out one drink, then two, three, you have a mirror reflecting back your behaviour. So that helped me to stop.”

Instead Steven turned to reading – books not being the source of comfort he expected given his dyslexia – to trying meditation and mindfulness techniques to help him to sleep and cope with difficult times, And over the years, Steven has defied all expectations and demonstrated just how much is possible for those living with disabilities. His journey from despair to empowerment is a testament to the power of resilience, perspective, and proving what can be achieved with a strong will and a desire to succeed.


Steven Webb and Cornwall Air Ambulance team
Steven Webb and Cornwall Air Ambulance team


In 2017 Steven was voted in as a local councillor and he rose up the ranks to become Mayor of Truro in 2022. His work as Mayor has seen him build valuable connections and collaboration between Truro City Council and the County Council as well as the progress of the much anticipated Pydar development which is set to transform a neighbourhood in the heart of Truro with affordable housing, cultural facilities and a university.

Nowadays, having spent almost a decade as a city councillor and mayor of Truro, Steven is well known as a leading mindfulness teacher, and blogger having shared his insights and experiences with audiences far and wide. His podcast has gained a global following, with listeners tuning in to hear his reflections on life, love, and personal growth. Through his work, Steven challenges conventional notions of optimism and pessimism, advocating instead for a more nuanced approach to life.

In Steven’s words, “It’s not about whether the glass is half-full or half-empty. It’s about cherishing the glass we hold and taking responsibility for its contents.” Steven believes that we have the power to shape our destinies and to fill our glasses with love, joy, and fulfilment if we so choose to do it.

This philosophy forms the cornerstone of Steven’s latest project the Cornwall 500 which is an innovative and groundbreaking exploration of Cornwall’s rich history, vibrant culture, and breathtaking natural beauty. The key features of the Cornwall 500 include the following;

– A 500-mile route that circumnavigates Cornwall’s perimeter
– Initially launching with 50 plaques, with plans to expand to 100 within a year
– A flexible itinerary with no set order or time-frame, allowing for personalised adventures
– A showcase of Cornwall’s diverse history, rich culture, and stunning natural landscapes
– A commitment to promoting mindful tourism and accessibility for all visitors


The installation of the Cornwall 500 plaques will coincide with Steven’s ambitious challenge throughout September 2024. Using his electric wheelchair, Steven is travelling 500 miles along Cornwall’s coastline, averaging 25-30 miles per day and installing the first 50 plaques along the way.

Steven’s Cornwall 500 Challenge is not just a personal endeavour, but a dedication to promoting accessibility, celebrating Cornish heritage, and supporting a vital cause. By raising funds for the Cornwall Air Ambulance Trust, Steven hopes to make a lasting impact on the community and inspire others to join him in his mission.


Steven Webb in his electric wheelchair, smiling in front of the welcome to Cornwall sign
Steven is well and truly welcome to Cornwall

If you would like to make a donation to Steven’s effort and contribute to the ongoing success of the Cornwall 500 initiative. Here is the link to donate https://www.justgiving.com/page/steven-webb-thecornwall500

Find more information here

